Migraines generally are thought of as originating in the brain, but research has shown that some people might suffer headaches due to the compression of nerves running through the head and neck. During a migraine, these stimuli feel like an all-out assault. The result: The brain produces an outsize reaction to the trigger, its electrical system misfiring on all cylinders. This electrical activity causes a change in blood flow to the brain, which affects the brain's nerves, causing pain.
Effects of migraine on our health:
· Stroke: Women who get migraines with aura are more likely to have a stroke. It happens when a part of your brain suddenly gets cut off from a blood supply.
· Heart Disease: One is more likely to have heart diseases, such as chest pain called angina or a heart attack, if he also has migraines, and vice versa.
· High Blood Pressure: People with migraines may be more likely to have high blood pressure.
· Heart Abnormalities: People who get migraines, especially if they get an aura, are more likely to have problems, which is called "patent foramen ovale" (PFO). It's a small hole between the right and left upper chambers of the heart.
Types of surgery to relieve migraines
· Nerve-releasing plastic surgery
The use of nerve-releasing plastic surgery to treat migraines has been around for a couple of decades, and the procedure is becoming more common and more effective. Clinical research now indicates that people who undergo surgery to release entrapped nerves will experience complete relief from migraines, and others have fewer and less severe headaches.
· Frown Treatment
The forehead. Treatment: Remove frown muscles.
o The temple. Treatment: Remove a small portion of the facial nerve in the temple region.
o The back of the neck. Treatment: Remove a small portion of the muscle, replace it with fat to prevent regenerating muscle from pinching the nerve.
o The nose area. Treatment: Straighten septum and remove part or a full-length of the turbinates (plates of cartilage in the nose)
· The Omega Procedure
The Omega Procedure is a surgical procedure that treats patients with chronic migraines. The Omega procedure uses neuro-stimulation, involving both occipital and supraorbital nerve stimulation, and it is successfully documented in more than 80 percent of patients suffering from prolonged or severe migraine headaches.
Measures to be taken after surgery
It is normal to expect some discomfort after surgery. You may have numbness or soreness at the site of the surgery for 1-2 weeks.
Plan to rest and recover for two days after surgery. Most patients can return to work after about two weeks. During this time, one should limit physical activity to enable your body to heal and recuperate.